Common problems that we can help:
Hip bursitis
The bursa cushions and lubricates the muscle and bones in the area. Pain is generally on the outside of the hip which is worse during running, skiing, hiking and possibly biking.
Arthritis of the hip joint
Generally stiffness after sitting or lying still which is relieved slowly my moving around. It is genrally deep, in the middle of the upper thigh and there should be a decrease in the range of motion.
Muscle strain, or tear
There are several muscles in the hip area in the buttock area there is the gluteus maximus and medius, piriformis hamstrings. In the front the psoas, pectinus, quadriceps. On the side is the Iliotibial band (IT band) and the tensor fascia lata. On the inside between the legs there are adductors. All which become injured and cause pain and abnormal movement.
Labral Tear
Pain in the hip joint caused by torn labral cartilage.
Proximal Hamstring tears
Great article my tendon researcher Tom Goom
A physiotherapist out of the UK that has great courses more info on the Running Physio website
Article by Ryan M. Degen Orthopedic Surgeon
Snapping Hip
A snapping feeling within the hip. This can be due to problems in psoas muscle which cause pain any were from deep in the middle upper thigh to the low back or Iliotibial Band (IT band) which cause pain in the outside of the thigh.
Hip replacement & Hip Surfacing
We can help with the scar tissue that forms after the surgery and the instability that ensues post surgically
Lateral Hip Pain with rehab protocols
**As a side note a spinal and knee injuries can cause hip pain**
Common causes
Improper movement
Abnormal biomechanics
Imbalance muscles
Previous trauma injury
Repetitive micro trauma
Adhesions/scar tissue of Gluteals, Hamstrings, Psoas, Para-spinals
Spinal misalignment/subluxation of the Lumbar spine and Pelvis
Tight muscles
Acute trauma
Overuse injury
Poor posture
Postural correction
Stretching therapy
Biomechanical analysis